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SCM Concrete

The concrete reinforcing blocks and accessories provided represent less of a “composite” of industry standards than a compilation of “not quite to scale” drafting techniques. IntuiCAD SCM also provides sample details to use as templates for creating typical concrete details.

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A few “boundary lines” and responsive tools make for a fluid detailing process. Common pitch among elements is exploited during stretching. More SCM videos here...


More Features

  1. Transverse bars, dowels and ties with strategically placed insertions and grips.
  2. Adjustable stirrups, cages, couplers and wire fabric.
  3. Keyed joints and roughened surfaces.

  4. Interchangeable waterstops and embedded plates.
  5. 8”, 10” and 12” hollow core precast slabs with multi-directional dynamics.

  6. Adjustable concrete pan joists and tee sections.
  7. CRSI spaced pile cap sets in 12”, 14”, 16” and 18” pile sizes.
  8. ASTM sheet piling profiles.
  9. 3-dimensional helical piers and extensions.


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